Cultivating meaningful Christ-like relationships and lives
Life Groups
These weekly meetings are so much more than a Bible study (though that’s definitely part of it). Groups are designed to be a person’s go-to for support, prayer, and growth. In addition to life-application focused Bible study, over the course of a year groups will celebrate high points of life together, serve side by side in the community, pray regularly for the day to day needs of group members, and meet each other’s needs in the midst of trials.
Current Groups:
(All groups meet at church unless otherwise stated. Tap/Click HERE to check the calendar.)
Wednesday 10am - Building Your Strengths: Who am I in God's Eyes (Ladies group, room 103)
Wednesday (every other week) 6:30pm - 1 & 2 Samuel (room 101)
Thursday 7pm - 1 Corinthians (room 101)
Thursday (every other week) 7:30pm - Acts (at the Reid's house)
Discipleship Classes (Sunday School)
Year-RoundSundays 9:30am
Dig deep into God’s Word and better understand, who He is and His grand plan for us. With multiple classes to choose from, there is something for everyone regardless of how familiar they may or may not be with the Bible.
Current Classes:
The Story of Scripture (room 101)
The book of 1 Timothy (room 103)
Men's Ministry
Year-RoundSaturdays 8:30am
Gentlemen, set aside time for spiritual growth and personal development. All materials and a light breakfast are provided.
Current Class:
The book Gospel Above All by JD Greear (room 103)
Women's Ministry
Ladies, come together throughout the year to fellowship with other women, relax and enjoy some spiritual refreshment.
With so much ministry going on all the time, there are always opportunities for adults to jump in and serve.