The results are in!Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! While it's fun to decide on who has the best fasion sense or is the cutest couple, what's more important is that you took the time to recognize the spiritual traits that members of our Body exhibit every day. Make sure to let them know in person that you recognize how God is working in them!
The winners are listed below in BOLD. If there were close second places they're listed in regular print, and anyone in italic got votes, but didn't quite make the top two.
Best Fasion Sense Winners: Brandon & Sook
Doug Jr., Emily & Hyun
Chris, Donovan, Joe, Jerome, Marty & Joyce
Most Joyful Winners: Jerry & Wendy
Dan M., Doug R. & Betsy
Bob S., Chris, Joe, Kenny, Emily & Evie
Best Hair Winners: Doug Jr. & Aimee
Dan M. & Heather
Brandon, Harry, Angela, Laura, Maria & Michelle
Most Patient Winners: Brandon & Heather
Chris, Dan M., Doug R., Joe, Keith, Mike, Connie, Joyce & Judy
Class President Winners: Doug R. & Patty
Chris, Marty, Connie, Emily & Evie
Kindest Winners: Marty, Joe, Bonnie & Sook (Two ties!)
Curtis, Joe, Betsy
Cheese, Chuck, Dan M., Doug R., Doris, Judy, Joyce & Patty
Class Clown Winners: Oscar, Brandon & Judy
Duncan, Kenny, Bella, Bonnie, Emily, Evie & Wendy
Most Gentle Winners: Curtis, Mason, Max and Julie (A three way tie for the ladies!)
Dan M.
Bob S., Jerry, Marty, Pete, Tim, Bonnie, Hyun, Melanie & Sook
Most Athletic Winners: Curtis & Cora
Joe & Maria
Brandon, Cheese, Chris, Angela & Wendy
Most Faithful Winners: Doug, Faith & Patty
Danny T., Marty & Wendy
Curtis, Bonnie, Emily & Judy
Most Artistic Winners: Keith & Ellie
Cora, Judy, Laura, Mason & Wendy
Most Encouraging Winners: Dan M. & Betsy
Bob P., Chris, Doug R., Keith, Marty, Bonnie, Heather, Joyce, Max, Patty, Stacey & Wendy
Best Laugh Winners: Chris, Jerry, Emily & Stacey
Dan M., Doug C., Mike, Aimee, Connie, Jacki & Sook
Cutest Couple Winners: Max & Kenny Hare
Tim and Heather Bayer & Dan and Betsy Matko
Doug and Judy Chesebrough, & Danny and Faith Thornburg